
Your Input is Valuable

As you may know, we’re preparing to meet on May 8th in W.L.A for a kind of ‘de-brief’ after our wonderful Passover experience in the desert, and to set our intentions and Kavanah for Passover Village next year.

We're seeking any input you’d like to offer about your personal Passover in the Desert experience and / or your suggestions about future Passover events together. Please post your comments here oln the BLOG!


  1. Siman Tov U'Mazal Tov.

    How cool for the Passover Village to have another a digital village to foster the deepening of our "tribal connections."

    You Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Happy to "rock" with you.
    Rina Daly-Goode, LA

  2. Dearest Passover Village friends,

    What an amazing weekend it was! David and I are still sharing our experiences with friends here in Santa Barbara, and we do plan to be there for the meeting on May 8th.

    See you then!

    Love and Joy,

    Melissa and David

  3. Sarah Gevirtz2/5/10 19:04

    The Passover experience was wonderfully moving. I deeply appreciate the extensive preparation the Leadership Circle put into it.

    From being welcomed on the first day, to being able to help with the tent set up, to appreciating my contribution throughout the weekend, to the special commentaries of the Leadership Circle, to our desert walk, to the dancing, to the singing, to the small group sessions on Saturday afternoon--it was all beautiful, deep, and appreciated.

    Just one possible modification for next year...encourage us to read 1-2 special readings ahaead of time to help each of us prepare.

    Thank you again,

    Sarah Gevirtz
    Santa Rosa, CA
