As in years past, we carry an additional kavannah (spiritual intention) into
the Village, borne from our yearlong study since last PV of the Divine Feminine in the Hebrew
tradition. We call Her by many
names: Asherah
. . .Astarte . . . Anat . . . Shechinah
. . . Lilit . . . Sarah . . . Miriam. What do these images, ideas, and archetypes
have to teach us in this age of #metoo and #timesup? In these times, what are we to make of the
Zohar legend of the exile of Shechinah and her longing for union with HaKadosh
Baruch Hu? What have the ancients
passed on to us in their Yichudim –
prayers of unification of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine? What does it mean to honor the Feminine in
Nature, the Great Mother, to offer ecstatic prayers to the Queen of the Heavens while dancing around a tree? Is this not also our Hebrew tradition? Why has none of this been passed down through
Torah, Talmud, Hebrew school? Was the
Feminine deliberately suppressed in our tradition, a reflection of the shift
from matriarchal traditions to patriarchy that was happening in the ancient
world at the age of formation of Judaism?
What traumas have been perpetuated because of this? How have modern day women suffered from
this? Modern day men? How can we reclaim our connection to Her, and
does She want to be reclaimed?
All of these topics are in the field, as we gather and enter
our holy campground for another season of praise and community. Moses asked Pharoah to allow the people to go
out to the wilderness to serve their God for 3 days, and so we do the same. We
hope you will joyfully join us this year in our councils, dances, rituals, and
prayers as we seek relation with Her.
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