
Dayenu 2010

Devorah miriaam sends this message about her experience at the 2010 Passover Village:
4/5/10 Going home, caravaning with others, we stopped to eat lunch at a great Mexican place. It started with Andy saying that if all we did was put up the tent, that alone had a lot of value. 
     So I say, 
If all we did was put up the tent together , it would have been enough. DAYENU!
If all we did was our Mayim ritual, it would have been enough. DAYENU!
If all we did was our Moror, Matzah and Pesach groups, it would have been enough. DAYENU!
If all we did was sit at the fire and gaze at the stars, it would have been enough. DAYENU!
If all we did was the blessing and transferance to Jenna and Johnny and Blueberry, it would have been enough. DAYENU!

Please go on, add more, there was so much! and I am so grateful to have experienced even just one thing at the Village! DAYENU!
Michael C. adds:

If all we did was sit in council, DAYENU!

If all we did was see the quail, ravens, tortoise, and snake, DAYENU!

If all we did was hear our living Torah, DAYENU!

If all we did was discover that each of us is a sacred teacher, DAYENU!
Marc W. adds:
If all we did was look into the Soul of an infant through her intensely gazing eyes, DAYENU!

If all we did was see the ancient essences of Priestesses, Warriors, Prophets, Kings, and Queens among us, DAYENU!

If all we did was realized what it means to awaken to the call of the Shofar, DAYENU!

If all we did was tap stone to stick, and listen . . . DAYENU!

Sandra G. adds...

If all we did was put up the tent together and gather inside, Dayenu!

If all we did was listen to the sound of quail calling in the distance, Dayenu!

If all we did was wander through the desert under the bright sun, looking for, and finding our narrow places of stuckness, Dayenu!

If all we did was watch the vast dark sky and all its lights, Dayneu!

If all we did was eat Charoset, Dayenu!

If all we did was to enjoy sitting in friendship around the campfire and listening to the wind, Dayenu!

If all we did was hear the sound of the Ba'al "Tequilla", Dayenu!


  1. Good to read your thoughts here, Devorah, and Michael. Gpod tp see that you do not mind them
    being public. I prefer the Facebook format, where they can be set on private and we could really work out some deep discussions without the world seeing our process. Something to think about.

  2. If all I did was to enjoy your Dayenus ... DAYENU!

    (from the otherwise/where wandering Jew)
